Short swiggle line notation between 2 notes
Mon, 11/09/2015 - 19:15
Dave - In chorus 4, and chorus 6 of walk with me what does this notation stand for. Why dont I see it in your basic notation sheets. It sounds like a slide from 1 note to the other in chorus 4, but I think you said it was a shake in chorus 6. Chorus 6 is confusing because it looks like you are going down from a 6 blow to a 5 blow and immediately therafter you go from a 4 draw to a 5 blow ( which doesnt seem possible) - Im not sure I understand how to do that/what I am missing.
Hello baruch.friedman. That's a throat tremolo, just a shorter version of what's used throughout the song. Thanks for letting me know about it not being in the notation key. This is a relatively new notation... students were not using tremolo and I needed some reminder to tell them to use it as much as possible.