reeds are hitting the coverplate.
could you help me with a problem?
If I play a tongue slap on hole 1 to get a powerfull and stong hole 2 I can hear the reed's hit the coverplate.
If i play the chord on the pull of hole 1,2,3 I hear the same sound.
Its sounds like a tap. ( i think its only the first reed) the sound of metal against metal.
Also if bend hole 1 with alot of force ( to get a big tone/sound) I hear this sound.
I got a marineband deluxe and a hohner crossover harmonica and i got the same problem with both harmonica's
Its very annoying and it forces me to play with less volume.
Do you know this problem? and do you know how to help it?
How you play louder is by opening your mouth, throat and dropping your tongue to the floor of your mouth.
If you want to modify a harmonica you can raise the coverplates, sure. Using thicker reed plates will also make a harmonica louder. Both modifications will make the reed swing more and will cause the instrument to die sooner though. So, the louder you play, the quicker your harmonicas will die.
Assuming that the reed is not misaligned in the slot, you're playing too loudly... the simple answer is to play softer... hole 1 will do this if you play it to loudly.