Hi David,
I'm at Exercise 3.4 and 3.5. But, apparently I missed something before this.
I do not know how to figure where the sharps and flats are in Exercise 3.5.
The video footage for 3.5 will be the most help. The key thing is to start by writing the alphabet first. Then check the distance (half step or whole step) between each note. If you have further issues, repost and walk me through the process you're going through to figure out each note, this way I can see where you're going astray.
The video footage for 3.5 will be the most help. The key thing is to start by writing the alphabet first. Then check the distance (half step or whole step) between each note. If you have further issues, repost and walk me through the process you're going through to figure out each note, this way I can see where you're going astray.