Wezo ME-18 at Low Volume
Hi David,
My wife and I recently bought a new house that we plan on being in for a long time. One requirement for our new house was that I have a place to play amplified blues harp, albeit at low volume. The house fulfills that need. So, I'm planning on buying an amp, and the Wezo ME-18 is on the short list. I had a Wezo-45 for some time before selling it to a fellow BluesHarmonica.com member. I loved that amp, and as you said, it is fantastic even at low volume. How is the ME-18 at low volume? Also, do you have any experience with the optional half-power switch?
Sure. The setting with both knobs up will give you the warmest tone at low volumes.
Hi David,
I know this is an old post- however in your review of the updated wezo me-18, there is a great chromatic Bill Clarke-style song of yours playing in the background. Do you recall what that was? I don't seem to be able to find it
Hello Hackdaddy66. That's an Artist Study instrumental on the website called "Swingin' with George." This song is unlocked as part of the Levels of Achievement program. It's based on his instrumental called "Hot Rolls."
Hey Gregg. Yes, the ME18 is just as good at low volumes. I have not tried the 1/2 power switch, and decided to not make the change on mine. There are three levels of breakup in that amp... 1) all knobs up (Bassman-like tone)... 2) Tone knob up (traditional MegaTone tone)... 3) Volume knob up (even more saturated... like the amp is cooking at a much higher volume, but it's not). So, I think the ME18 fits the bill very well. If space is the issue, try the 1x10" small common, you can always add an external speaker cab/monitor if you wish for gigging (though the 2x10" or 2x12" is not that much larger). Anyways, that's my 2 cents.