Lift vs Pull
Sat, 08/22/2020 - 15:39
David....I might be asking a silly question, but what is the difference between the 2 techniques, the "Lift and The Pull? They have different names of course, but don't they provide pretty much the same function in the music and that is to provide a "Backbeat" on quarter notes? Also, is one favored over the other? Thx, John
Hello John. You’re correct, they are both found on the upbeat. The lift is where you take the tongue off of the harmonica to sound the chord. The pull is where you first place your tongue on the harmonica to block all of the holes, create a slight amount of suction in the mouth (this all happens very fast), and then take your tongue off of the harmonica. You can think of the pull as an articulated lift. The pull is used most of the time, but when you want a softer approach, the lift is used.