Blues Organ
G'day David,
I'm sorry if this is too far off-topic...(its not harmonica, but it is blues...)
while reading your "blues harmonica accompaniment playing" i realised how much i really like the sound of organ in blues music. so much so that i'd like to learn to play keys in addition to the harp; besides loving the sound i also think it would probably be quite helpful in learning music generally. i am a complete novice to keys though....i saw you have been involved in the "school of the blues" Blues Keyboard Method book. can you tell me is this book ok for an absolute beginner, or should i take some other lessons first?
Great idea. Learning keyboard can really help your understanding of music. It's best that you start with a more basic book. Stop by your local music store and ask them what their piano instructors use that they carry for sale in the store. Alfred, Bastian and Thomas are all popular systems of instruction (by system I mean they have a book for keyboard skills, one for reading, one for theory, one for rhythm training, one for recital, etc.).