Posted Wed, 07/18/2018 - 09:02 by David Barrett Admin
"Destination Unknown," another masterful release by Joe Filisko and Eric Noden is now available at This is a prerelease, which includes liner notes and lyrics.
Posted Sun, 06/24/2018 - 21:28 by David Barrett Admin
We continue our focus on extension cabinets with a Mark Overman custom cabinet with 2x10" Weber speakers ($650). We test it with the Laney Cub, Fender Princeton Reverb, Masco, and Radolek. Subscribers can see the review here
Posted Fri, 06/22/2018 - 10:17 by David Barrett Admin
In Sharon's latest lesson (#5) she: plays "Walk with Me" with the jam track (Tongue Block Study 1); plays her daily exercises (Slaps, Flutters and Shakes); starts her new study song ("Temperature" Tongue Block Study 2); reviews chording; starts to learn how to play under a vocalist/soloist (Accompaniment Study 2); and learns how major scales are built and why we can bend the depths we can on each hole of the harmonica. Subscribers can see Sharon's lessons here
Posted Mon, 05/14/2018 - 11:53 by David Barrett Admin
In Sharon's latest lesson she reviews "Walk with Me" at 15% slow and Two-Note Combinations and Shakes (Tongue Blocking Study 1). We then go into learning the tongue block slap and flutter (Tongue Block Study 2); how the 12 bar blues progression works; how to breathe through the nose while playing; and a new daily warm-up, Daily Exercises. Subscribers can see Sharon's lessons here
Posted Fri, 05/11/2018 - 09:42 by David Barrett Admin
In this lesson series Joe Filisko takes what he's taught you and shows you how he incorporates them into his original recorded works. He shares his approach to the songwriting process, the techniques he uses, and how to play the main phrases within those songs. If you don't already own his recorded works, you can purchase them at You can find this lesson here
Posted Mon, 05/07/2018 - 16:09 by David Barrett Admin
This Repertoire Builder song "Perfect Shade of Blue" does not teach you any new techniques, but places into context what you've worked hard to learn in Bending and Tongue Blocking studies 4 (after LOA-L5). This song will continue to work these techniques, along with giving you a fun song to play that contains valuable lick vocabulary for your improvising down the road. This study is for upper-intermediate skill level players. You'll need a C Harmonica for this study. Subscribers can view this lesson here
Posted Wed, 05/02/2018 - 10:49 by David Barrett Admin
In the latest Amp Reviews equipment video lessons, Gary Smith shares his favorite tube and speaker upgrades. We also speak of upgrading an amp's cabinet (I start the process of having a MojoTone cabinet made for the Laney Cub 10 and Gary Smith shows us his Fender Blues Jr cab that he just had made). Subscribers can see this lesson here