2 hole problem
Mon, 07/01/2019 - 19:01
About a month ago, I decided to start learning harmonica by watching youtube before I found this site. I did not know about tongue blocking until now. I can lip purse holes 1 and 2 easily enough but I'm having great difficulty tongue blocking hole 2 especially on the draw. Are you tongue blocking on just holes 3 and above? Not sure what I am doing wrong. It's like I can't get sound from 2 draw trying to tongue block.
Welcome to the site Fried. I am tongue blocking all of the time. This is a common challenge (for both embouchures... your mouth just happens to find the correct shape more easily in pucker). Go to this page https://www.bluesharmonica.com/faq and watch the lesson video titled "My 2 draw and/or high-end notes sounds flat, airy or not at all!" This will take some time (commonly a couple of months of practice), but hang in there, you will get it.