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Tip of the Day: Value of our Instrument

David Barrett Admin's picture

I had a new student last night and she asked how much a harmonica was to purchase. I said $65 (I sell the Hohner Crossover), and stated that they're the best pro-level harps on the market. She was very impressed that you could get a professional-quality instrument for that cheap. I agreed with her!

We often criticize companies for the increasing cost of our instrument(s), but we forget to step back and see their true value. If you have the opportunity to visit a harmonica factory in action, you'll see the amazing amount of labor that goes into each harmonica and would forever be an advocate of what a value they are, even for our most costly models. Don't get caught up in the fact that we need to have multiple keys... of which I know makes our end cost go way up... but EACH harmonica is a valuable instrument in itself, EACH harmonica.

Moral of the story, quit bitchin' about the cost of harps and play the dang things already! ;-)