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Position Understanding (Lesson 8)

David Barrett Admin's picture

Let's now talk about your new lick in for position...

D Harmonica (2nd Position): 3' 3" 2 1 2 = This is a very doable lick... standard bluesy bending on the harmonica... using all draw notes to achieve maximum bluesy potential with bending... your skill level in bending needs to be high though, so it may not be the right choice.

G Harmonica (3rd Position): 5 5+ 4 3" 4 = This is a very cool sounding lick in 3rd Position and requires much less bending. The 5 replacing the 3' in 2nd and 5+ the 3" in 2nd makes this a much more easy lick to play. The 3" is problematic though... that's a tough bend to hit between 4 draws.

A Harmonica (1st Position): 8'+ 8 7+ 6+ 7+ = This octave is the only place on the harmonica the lick is playable on the harmonica. Though not overly complicated, it's not easy to play and this high-note approach will not work for all songs.

What could you change in this lick to make it easier to play?... but still keep its bluesy nature?