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David's Tip of the Day: 2 Draw Abuse, Part 4 - Musical Foreplay

David Barrett Admin's picture

Play that jam track again and improvise over the first ten bars without playing the 2 draw or 6+. At the end of your V-IV-I Transition lick allow it to resolve to the 2 draw or 6+.

What you're doing is building musical tension... tension that gets released on the downbeat of bar 10. Think of it as musical foreplay.

I'm not saying to do this a lot, it's just an example of the power you have as a player to build up expressive tension and release it at a point that you decide. If you're always relieving the tension very quickly (get your mind out of the gutter ;-)... e.i., overusing the 2 draw or 6+, then your music will be very predictable... i.e., a little boring.