"Avoid Excessive Condensation" Tip of the Week 3.9.13
Hello Harp Techs
The goal for all harmonica players, is to equalize the temperature in your mouth with the temperature of your harmonica reeds. The closer the temperature variance, the less condensation will build up on the reeds.
The benefits will be obvious to players and audience alike. With less moisture weighing down your reeds, your harmonica will be more responsive, stalled reeds will be mitigated, and especially play "in tune". For you chromatic players, this will eliminate that annoying "slap, slap" sound of the wind saver (valves).
The solution is to have a small heating pad (available at all drug stores) pre-warm your harmonicas before you play. Especially on outdoor gigs, don't be afraid to have the heating pad on the bandstand with you. It draws very little wattage.
Your Harpsmith,