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David's Tip of the Day: Flat 7th - 3 Levels of Matching, Part 4 (IV and V Chords)

David Barrett Admin's picture

The last three days we focused exclusively on the flat-7th (F) relative to the I7 Chord (one-seven chord = G B D F, F being the flat-7th). There are two more chords used in the blues, the IV7 (four-seven = C E G B-flat, B-flat being the flat-7th) and V7 (five-seven = D F# A C, C being the flat-7th).

So, the flat-7th is relative to the chord you’re playing over.

Generally speaking, if your flat-7th worked in the opening of the song (the opening four bars of the I Chord), then your flat-7th should work fine on the other chords as well.